Saturday, April 17, 2010


5th grade can be a disaster. Sometimes it's a really good day, and others not. Today was a not for me. In softball I caught the WHOLE game and missed half the balls. At least I got 3 RBI's to tie the game up. Then, when I got home, I had to clean instead of rest. Finally, I got to eat and watch my favorite movie "Read it and Weep." At least I have supportive friends and fam to keep me going. Sometimes I feel like a roller-coaster taking huge winds and maybe even breaking down.

On the other hand, 5th grade can be great. You get some more freedom, you can hang out with friends more often, and best of all you get to go to middle school next year! Well, I'm going to try and finish "The Hobbit." (which isn't gunna happen) then, go to sleep.

